Hi, my name is

Rohan Shukla

I like building web applications

I'm a Software Engineer based in Pune, India who is specialized in building websites, web applications, mobile apps and everything that lives on the internet. I build pixel-perfect, engaging, and accessible digital experiences.

About Me

Hello! I'm Rohan, a Software Engineer based in Pune, India.

I am passionate about building excellent software that improves the lives of those around me. I’ve always sought out opportunities and challenges that are meaningful to me. My goal is to build a product that makes a difference.

I have completed my graduation in Computer Engineering from Pune University in 2016.

Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:

  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • TypeScript
  • MongoDB
  • NodeJS
  • Express.js
  • ReactJs
  • HTML & (S)CSS
  • NestJS
  • GraphQL
  • React Native
  • Golang
  • PostgreSQL
  • Firebase
  • Figma


  • Senior Software Engineer

    Building React JSX elements with styled-components that are fully compatible with A11y.

    Writing test cases for all the features including component, API’s and methods using Jest and React testing library.

    Constructing custom decorators, filters, and validation pipes in NestJs in order to manage exceptions and authentication.

    Work alongside product & project managers, designers, and other engineers to transform creative concepts into refined digital experiences at an agile (2-week) cadence.

    Worked on a variety of tasks that required code restructuring or improvements to specific functions as a sole contributor.

    Using the Single-SPA micro-frontend to build the project application and configuring webpack and Jest config as and when required.

    Nov 2021 - Present

  • Senior Application Engineer
    Raw Engineering

    Lead the development and architecture of platform like content management systems, REST APIs, and continuous integration pipelines to fulfill business requirement.

    Built and shipped reusable React components using the custom hooks and used Redux toolkit as global state management.

    Revamped the frontend to new design with React v17 and migrated existing API endpoint to Nest.js architecture.

    Cached the backend APIs using Fastly servers to reduce server costs, manage load balancers, and enhance edge network performance.

    Oct 2019 - Oct 2021

  • Software Developer
    XDev Studios

    Build, style, and ship high quality websites, mobile apps, and cross platform digital experiences for a diverse array of clients using technologies such as JavaScript, Nodejs, React, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Firebase.

    Created numerous backend API services with a modern, reliable, and performant architecture.

    Provide input to the development team regarding key features, solution gap’s, and desired enhancements.

    Aug 2017 - Sep 2019


E-Commerce Demo

Website demo built and deployed on Firebase cloud. The web app also supports for Admin Panel and responsive UI on all device type.


OTP(One-Time-Password) generator for JavaScript.


Logstack is simple logger alternative to console.log() which is written in specified file instead of terminal window.
